ICC Series is a set of eight videos that describe the activities of the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya.

This is the companion web to the series. From here you can watch all the videos and, at the same time, you can get additional information on the subject.

The videos can be viewed in any order but, by way of introduction, it is recommended to start by ICC.

Primary Capture of Data and Remote Sensing explain the methods to gather information of the territoy and get the Topographic Databases that represent it digitally. From these databases, the ICC makes a wide variety of products described in Cartography.

Geodesy is dedicated to the science that underlies these activities. Toponymy describes the task of putting the names of places on maps, and Map Library the cartographic documentation center.

Each video is accompanied by the transcript of the audio, which is a text that contains some terms that you can click. When you click one of them, the video stops and a window opens with a comment that provides additional information. Clicking anywhere on the video screen puts it back on track.

Viewing is recommended through 'Full Screen' option which is located at the bottom right of each video screen.